What does Flock do if the device is disconnected and off the road?

If the vehicle is showing as disconnected the process is as follows: 

1. There is a 15 day grace period on disconnection, wherein Flock will assume the vehicle is not moving. No miles will be added and the Safety Score will stay static. The disconnection during this time period will not affect eligibility for a rebate.

2. At days 7 and 12 of disconnection, an alert warning you of the disconnected device will be sent (along the lines of “In seven days your vehicle will start being charged the average miles; if your vehicle is off the road currently, please remove it from cover.”) 

    1. We will NOT be modifying any rebates or billing based on disconnection or a malfunctioning device. If a vehicle is in a garage, you must take it off cover in order to prevent the average miles being added.
    2. In the case of heartbeat data missing from a vehicle’s device, we can replace the device with a Matrix one free of charge to get the heartbeat data 

3. After 15 days, the average miles will be counted and the vehicle will no longer be eligible for a rebate