How will I pay for my policy?

For Non-Taxi Fleets

Flock Monthly Instalments

Our 0% interest finance option enables fleets to distribute their payments into monthly instalments. This service is facilitated by GoCardless, an FCA-regulated payment processor. Fleets opting for monthly instalments must pay an upfront deposit, typically 20% of the total Gross Written Premium, within 7 days of policy inception. The Flock team assists with setting up monthly instalments, and fleets can select their preferred billing day.

Please note, GoCardless payments are directly debited from a policyholder's bank account and may take up to 6 days to process.

100% Upfront Payment

Paying the full premium upfront via bank transfer. Flock offers a 60-day credit term on such upfront payments.

Third-Party Credit Facilities

You may also opt to pay through third-party credit facilities such as Premium Credit or Close Brothers Premium Finance. Your broker can assist with this payment option.

Broker-Managed Deposit Payments

Flock accepts deposit payments directly from brokers. Prior agreement and written confirmation specifying who will pay the upfront deposit are required. Upon agreement, Flock will provide bank details for payment via BACs.

For Taxi Fleets

Direct Customers with Flock - Payment Options

100% Upfront

The full premium amount is paid at the start of your policy period via bank transfer. The total premium is due on or before the 15th of the following month after the transaction. For example, all business transacted in January must be paid by the 15th of February.

Granite Finance Facilities

Opt for Granite Finance, supported by Flock, which requires a 20% deposit paid via bank transfer within 7 days of policy inception. This is followed by signing a credit agreement for the subsequent 10 monthly instalments.

Non-Direct Customers

Non-direct customers may use third-party credit facilities, such as Premium Credit or Close Brothers Premium Finance. Please consult your broker for assistance with these payment options.